My understanding is that an expungement requires that your case must have been either dropped or dismissed to consider such a request. Otherwise you might be looking at sealing the record.
If you were arrested and either (a) ultimately pled guilty or no contest; AND (b) had adjudication of guilt "withheld" then it is possible to have your record sealed. Sealing criminal history involves two stages (1) adjudication of guilt must have been "withheld", and (2) the offense must qualify for sealing.
Eligibility sealing or expungement of records will vary from state to state. Generally, the procedure is as follows:
Written application to seal record filed with Court
Original sentence must have been served
Applicant is facing no new charges
Note: The applicant faces the burden to prove that any probation requirements have been fulfilled
Additional Requirements to Seal or Expunge Records:
Most felonies not eligible for expungement
Most sex offenses not eligible for sealing
Sealing typically applicable to juvenile offenses and or misdemeanors
If acquitted (found "not guilty" after trial) you can automatically have records sealed
Some states permit a prior sealed conviction to be used in sentencing for repeat offenses