Criminal Records, Expungement Expunging record for military reinstatement

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A friend of mine has some charges on his record from one single incident in 2006. He was on military leave and was involved in a car accident, then left the scene and got in altercation with the police officer which resulted in a DUI, evading an officer and also assault on government official I think. He was convicted and served time but was discharged from military as a result. He is interested in joining back and was wanting to know if there was any way to get around these charges.


No, it is impossible to get an expungement of a prior conviction, if that was not part of a plea.

If he wants that removed, he'd have to seek a pardon.
That takes years.

But, he's going about it incorrectly.

He has two ways to POSSIBLY reenlist.
He could try his state national guard.
Many states need personnel.
They can grant him a waiver for his reenlistment.

If he wants to go back on active duty, his recruiter can help him obtain the waiver.
Sometimes the waiver can be done locally.
Other times, it has to go to the Army HQ, or even the Pentagon.
The recruiter will help him, if he is serious.

He should know all the details about his conviction.
He will be required to write a statement as to why he wants back in the military.
The statement should show how he has changed and indicate why he would not offend again.

(EXAMPLE: If he had a drinking problem, what has he done to rehabilitate himself? What classes has he taken and completed? What groups has he joined to help with his problem?)

(He should also provide statements from reputable people in the community that know him and support him. Their statements should indicate what good things he has done, how he has changed, and how he has overcome problems.)

A letter from the judge that sentenced him in support of his reenlistment is helpful, as would one from the arresting police officer.

These are just suggestions.
His recruiter will supply him with specifics.
The recruiter will help him with these things.
The recruiter will show him how to put the packet together.

With what he's done, it isn't a permanent bar to his reenlistment.
Tell him to see a recruiter tomorrow.
The Army and Marines are more lenient in these matters.
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