I've been in my apartment for 10 yrs in Pennsylvania. I've been trying to find a home since March but haven't had much luck and probably won't find one before my lease is up in November. My apartment and the complex I'm in had taken a serious turn for the worse for living and it is affecting our health - I've complained numerous times and even notified the Health Dept once. From 2 previous lengthy tenants, your rent was supposed to be capped on your 11th year (I can't find this in writing just yet). I've received a notice that they are increasing my rent due to the "energy crisis" - in a nutshell it means I'll pay $10/mo more than I should. My options are:
Thanks for reading.
- resign the lease for a year at the increased rate and sub-let it when I find a house and hope that person doesn't trash the place.
- sign a month-to-month lease at the increased rate, plus pay a $50/mo fee
- have a "real estate clause" added to my year lease at the increased rate, breakable at any time, but also pay the $50/mo fee.
Thanks for reading.