Extra fees for less than 1-yr lease?

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New Member
I've been in my apartment for 10 yrs in Pennsylvania. I've been trying to find a home since March but haven't had much luck and probably won't find one before my lease is up in November. My apartment and the complex I'm in had taken a serious turn for the worse for living and it is affecting our health - I've complained numerous times and even notified the Health Dept once. From 2 previous lengthy tenants, your rent was supposed to be capped on your 11th year (I can't find this in writing just yet). I've received a notice that they are increasing my rent due to the "energy crisis" - in a nutshell it means I'll pay $10/mo more than I should. My options are:
  • resign the lease for a year at the increased rate and sub-let it when I find a house and hope that person doesn't trash the place.
  • sign a month-to-month lease at the increased rate, plus pay a $50/mo fee
  • have a "real estate clause" added to my year lease at the increased rate, breakable at any time, but also pay the $50/mo fee.
Why do I have to pay a $50/mo fee? I wouldn't call it an inconvenience fee to them. The extra fee would be reasonable if they actually applied it to fix the units but they refuse to update anything in this place. The units are managed by one company, owned by another. Could I get a lawyer to adjust the lease to have a real estate clause minus the fee because of how long I've been here, plus all the problems I've had up to this point? I've complained to cops, to the managing company...hardly anything has been done.
Thanks for reading.
I am sure there is a provision on your lease that covers those unexpected items (within reasonable amounts) when it comes to fees.

I must tell you that paying an additional $10 fee due to increases in energy costs is not too bad but I strongly suggest that you just move out of the place as soon as you can can since it has proven to be detrimental to your health and well being.

Good luck to you!
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