Extradition for small claims court?

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New Member
Hello. Any help with my question will be greatly appreciated.

So, from September 2009-December 2009 I had a roommate. The roommate moved out of the apartment on December 20th and left the country to study abroad on December 28th. At the end of December, I recieved the electrical, gas and cable bills for the month. I alerted the previous roommate of his due share, and recieved no response. I alerted him again via e-mail and again receiced no response. Finally, I contacted the parents and have yet to receive any response from them as well. I know that he has read all of my notifications of his money due and is simply ignoring them.

IF I go to small claims court on this within the next month, will he have to return to American from London? He is on a student Visa, so if he is ordered to appear, I feel like he would have to or risk having his visa pulled. (Note, it is my goal to make him return for the case). Will this happen?
Hello. Any help with my question will be greatly appreciated.

So, from September 2009-December 2009 I had a roommate. The roommate moved out of the apartment on December 20th and left the country to study abroad on December 28th. At the end of December, I recieved the electrical, gas and cable bills for the month. I alerted the previous roommate of his due share, and recieved no response. I alerted him again via e-mail and again receiced no response. Finally, I contacted the parents and have yet to receive any response from them as well. I know that he has read all of my notifications of his money due and is simply ignoring them.

IF I go to small claims court on this within the next month, will he have to return to American from London? He is on a student Visa, so if he is ordered to appear, I feel like he would have to or risk having his visa pulled. (Note, it is my goal to make him return for the case). Will this happen?

He will not be ordered to appear - your case is civil, not criminal. You cannot compel him to either return or actually turn up in court.

His student visa status has absolutely no bearing on matters.

You also need to list your state...
No, you can't force him to come back. Keep all your documents in order and serve him papers to appear in small claims whenever he comes back.
You might have to initiate proceedings sooner rather than later, however, as you may lose the opportunity to sue him if you do not file with the court within whatever the time frame might be for small claims actions. So, if he is going to be abroad for a year or more, you may lose the opportunity to sue if your time runs out in that time. It is likely that his being out of the country will cause the statute of limitations to pause, but that is something you should look in to.
My state is listed at the top of my posting, right next to "Jurisdiction/Place." Jackass.

You know, where I come from, that would be considered flirting with me...

..sorry, I'm just not interested. I know, I know, you're hurt. But it's ok. You'll get over it, I promise.

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