Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Extradition question

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New Member
Quite a few years ago I commited felony theft in an attempt to get back monies owed to me from a very large job I was not paid for. Stupid move I know. Now I am older with family living in another state. I was in California when I was informed about a probation violation warrent in Georgia and was told they would not extradite. If I move to Pennsylvania, would Georgia extradite from there ? And what, if any, is the geographical range for felony probation extradition from Georgia ? I really can't afford to go back to 3 kids need me working and home. :confused:
There is no way to know what the extradition requirements will be without checking with the issuing agency or running it through NCIC. So, you may not know whether GA will extradite from PA until you get stopped by the police.

Another thing to consider is that warrants can prevent access to many decent jobs, welfare, government backed loans (which is about all of them), educational opportunities, etc. They can be most annoying and do not just go away with time.

- Carl
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