Criminal Records, Expungement failure to appear

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I'm new so I'm not sure if this is the right section but here goes.I was arrested yesterday on a failure to appear.The original charges were disorderly intoxication and resisting arrest W/O violence and they were from 2 years ago.They were both considered misdemeanors.The paperwork I received yesterday says I have to go to court for FTP for misdemeanor.So I can't figure out if the original charges are still pending or not.I assume they are but based on something someone told me I'm not certain.I've since renewed my license and moved all within the same County.I would think that rite there should show I wasn't purposely trying to dodge, avoid,run,or whatever from the charges.

Another thing I'm wondering which is relatied.Since I was drunk I only have a very vague recollection of the original charges.What I do remember is that I was released in the middle of the night.Is isn't strange I would be released on intoxication charges in the middle of the night while still drunk? I didn't have to post bail I found everything I had everything they gave me back except any paperwork telling me I had a court date.
Anyway I hope I did a decent job of explaining it and any advise
as far as it works in ohio for a misdemeanor, is when you are in court for a FTA they will group everything together. Check your county's website for any case dockets. That should give you some more info.
The website says I was arrested for FTA then quite a bit lower gives the original charges which were disorderly intoxication and resist/obstuct officer w/o violence both considered misdemeanors.So yeah I'm assuming it's going to be added on the original charges but the original charges were 2 years ago.I have since gotten a new ID,moved, and have gotten my license back all within the same County.I honestly didn't know I had this court case and wouldn't the fact that I did all that within the same county kind of confirm that.Add to that I haven't drank since and I won't get into details but I can practically prove it's been that long.What really gets me is they released me about 2am while still drunk after being arrested me on an intoxication charge.Isn't that at the very least neglegent.
Thanks for the reply
You knew you had been arrested and charged. It was your responsibility to check and show up on your court date. You have been found guilty on the original charges and now have an additional FTA fine. This time show up with enough cash to pay everything. The judge may reduce the fine if you act nice.
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