failure to correct violations

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New Member
I own property that I have a rent to own contract with a couple.I received a notice of violation from the city about several structures they built on the property that were in violation of property lines and a structure that was built without obtaining building permits required by the city. A second notice of violation of nonoperable vehicles on the property. I sent notice to the tenants, corrective measures that had to be made and copies of city ordinance pertaining to those violations. I gave them a set date that corrective measures had to be made by and notice that if they were not corrected by that set date which was a few days prior to my ordered date by the city that default of the lease and eviction of the property would result. Tenants have taken no corrective action of the violations. How many days do I legally have to give them in an eviction notice
You start with a seven day notice. You should also Google "EVICTION YOUR COUNTY, NM".
You will be able to find a seven day notice template that follows the guidelines for your county.

For issues unrelated to monetary breach of lease violations or to advise the tenant that he or she is not adhering to certain legal obligations, the 7-day notice is given.

The notice must specify the lease provision being violated and that it can be remedied within 7 days.

If two of these 7-day notices are given within 6-months, the landlord need not allow the tenant to remedy or cure the violation and the landlord can proceed with filing a petition to oust the tenant.

Here are some general guidelines about eviction in NM:
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