Failure to stop while bus is showing stop sign.

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New Member
My husband and I dropped off our kids to school one morning around the back of the school and their was a bus just sitting in front of us talking to a teacher and the stop sign was not out. We started to pass the bus and as we come midway of the front of the bus then the driver puts out the stop sign. Keep in mind there were no children at all getting off the bus. Well as it turns out the officer comes to my house a couple hours later with the complaint. What am I to do?
Were you actually given a ticket or just notified of the complaint?
You should be able to easily defend this if it goes to court. The officer can not testify against you and the bus driver is unlikely to show up.
Did you or your husband actually get a ticket - you didn't say. Based on what you posted, I don't see a violation.
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