False Accusations

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I have just been fired from my job. I work in a small store run by 2 owners and the only employee other then them is myself. A few months ago I came into find $$ missing from the store, i quickly reported it. A few weeks later I came into find $20 missing. Well she then told me this made me loko bad which i understood, and then it was dropped.On this past weeknd I went into the stroe with one of the owners, and we discovered money missing again, I had not been at the store for at least 4 days. Now the back door to the store is left unlocked eveyr morning becuase the only one owner has a key, and the stockroom which is a regular garage is also left unlocked every single day and night. Now apparently there seems to be a ring and a necklace missing also. Neither of which I have ever seen before. Now I used the stores didgital camera and put it back in its boc and put it in the bathroom of the stsockroom, becuase i worry that thigns may be taken due to the lax security. But now thats gone also. I have now lost my job for inciidents I have nothing to do with-HELP-Do i need a lawyer??
Keara said:
I have just been fired from my job. I work in a small store run by 2 owners and the only employee other then them is myself. A few months ago I came into find $$ missing from the store, i quickly reported it. A few weeks later I came into find $20 missing. Well she then told me this made me loko bad which i understood, and then it was dropped.On this past weeknd I went into the stroe with one of the owners, and we discovered money missing again, I had not been at the store for at least 4 days. Now the back door to the store is left unlocked eveyr morning becuase the only one owner has a key, and the stockroom which is a regular garage is also left unlocked every single day and night. Now apparently there seems to be a ring and a necklace missing also. Neither of which I have ever seen before. Now I used the stores didgital camera and put it back in its boc and put it in the bathroom of the stsockroom, becuase i worry that thigns may be taken due to the lax security. But now thats gone also. I have now lost my job for inciidents I have nothing to do with-HELP-Do i need a lawyer??
I'm very sorry to hear what happened but I'm not sure that a lawyer is the answer. I don't know all the details but it sounds like the store wasn't very secure and isn't being managed well. I'm not sure that you would have a right to continued employment at that store and perhaps the store owner may feel that a change of scenery will do everyone some good. Perhaps this is also a place where you are better of not working at since the string of events leads me to believe that it isn't going to get any better for anyone. Unless you are being charged with a crime, you may be better off just moving on...
While your employer has made an unfortunate decision, terminating you because they suspect you of stealing or simply because they want to "clean house" of all current employees and thus potentially solve the problem is not illegal.

Now I used the stores didgital camera and put it back in its boc and put it in the bathroom of the stsockroom, Whoa! Individuals and/or employers may NOT install video surveillance in areas where employees and others have a clear expectation of privacy, such as the restroom. You should be glad that putting the video camera in the bathroom came to nothing as you could have been sued from here to heck and gone by your co-workers.
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