False accusations


New Member
I have a neighbor that moved in to the apartment right next to me a few months ago, my problem is that she has called the police on me twice accusing me of doing illegal drugs, which of course are unfounded as I do not do any kind of illegal drugs. I have invited the police in both times so they could sniff around. I am becoming very frustrated with this and I would like to know what can I legally do to make her stop accusing me of these ridiculous issues, it is getting to the point where my landlord is sending me notices and I'm worried that I will be evicted because of it. Help!
I am becoming very frustrated with this and I would like to know what can I legally do to make her stop accusing me of these ridiculous issues

There is NOTHING person one can do LEGALLY to cause person two from calling the police, making unfounded allegations against person one, or otherwise doing stupid stuff.

Person one would be best served to IGNORE anything person two does or says.

Person one has no legal obligation, absent a search warrant, to permit the police to search person one's residence.

Person one has the constitutional right to remain silent when agents for the state wish to question person one.

Person one should watch the video below which explains why it is never a good idea to answer any questions posed by law enforcement authorities.

I have a neighbor that moved in to the apartment right next to me a few months ago, my problem is that she has called the police on me twice accusing me of doing illegal drugs, which of course are unfounded as I do not do any kind of illegal drugs. I have invited the police in both times so they could sniff around. I am becoming very frustrated with this and I would like to know what can I legally do to make her stop accusing me of these ridiculous issues, it is getting to the point where my landlord is sending me notices and I'm worried that I will be evicted because of it. Help!
How long have you lived in this apartment? Have you had any issues with the LL before this? Are you a good tenant that pays their rent on time? Do you know why this new neighbor is making these complaints?
she has called the police on me twice accusing me of doing illegal drugs, which of course are unfounded as I do not do any kind of illegal drugs.

Why does she believe you do? Or, if it is your belief that your neighbor doesn't believe her own allegations are true, why do you believe she is doing this? On the assumption that your local police have better things to do than to respond to every accusation that "my neighbor is doing illegal drugs," do you have more detail about what she is claiming?

Have you spoken with your neighbor about this? If not, why not?

I would like to know what can I legally do to make her stop accusing me of these ridiculous issues

Aside from moving, there is nothing you can do to constrain her conduct in the future. That said, at some point, the cops will presumably clue in that your neighbor is full of poo and stop responding.

my landlord is sending me notices

What do these notices say?

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