My bro was and is claiming he has guardian ship of me he does not . he serve two years in jail for embessling his own company . now he is out i fear he will go around again saying he hasguardian ship of me . and before he went in the jail he threaten to take away my ssi check and my other benefits . What can i do to prevent him try to represent himself as my guardian .i am 36 never had a guardian .he has fake documents and claims he has right to my dad share of a car dealer ship and he use my dad ssn to pay off my bro own bills .he claim they were my dad so he used the death certificate and my dad ssn to
claim the bills paid he even put a tractor in my dad name and another ssn under my name along w a credit card which has the same name as the loan company that he use my dad ssn for . what can i do
claim the bills paid he even put a tractor in my dad name and another ssn under my name along w a credit card which has the same name as the loan company that he use my dad ssn for . what can i do