Criminal Records, Expungement False Impersonation

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I was arrested for false impersonation on my front lawn after a ridiculous night of idiocy and beer. I gave a family member's name to the cop and then my real name, he promptly arrested me. I plead guilty as I was applying for a job and couldnt be hired until the case was resolved, I just wanted it over with. I was uniformed and shouldve plead not guilty. Now on applications do I have to admit this as a misdemeanor, and is there any good way to explain it?:dunno:
I was arrested for false impersonation on my front lawn after a ridiculous night of idiocy and beer. I gave a family member's name to the cop and then my real name, he promptly arrested me. I plead guilty as I was applying for a job and couldnt be hired until the case was resolved, I just wanted it over with. I was uniformed and shouldve plead not guilty. Now on applications do I have to admit this as a misdemeanor, and is there any good way to explain it?:dunno:

You do have to admit to being convicted if asked. No good way to admit you acted like an idiot other than just to say so.:cool:
It is always worthwhile to get it expunged.

As for your employers- an honest answer will be better than making excuses.
No... but perhaps you have some weird SD law that limits this... unlikely though.
There is usually a specified period of time that must pass before expungement is an option though... you will have to wait awhile.
For the record...

I have hired felons that explained their actions well and demonstrated that life had changed.

I have never hired anyone that lied to me during the interview process.
You certainly have to admit it on an application. You really should have availed yourself of the first offender program in your state. I take it you had no attorney. I have hired employees all my life. Be straight with your potential employer. Everyone does stupid things sometimes in their life. You will find people will not care if you are not still being an idiot ;)
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