False return address


New Member
New York
not sure where to put this question. if i send a regular, legal sized letter to a business from a business and don't want to use my real address for the return address, and i make up a return address that does not exist, is that somehow illegal?
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Sending a letter with a fake return address is not illegal. The purpose and intent of your letter COULD be.
Purpose of letter is a legitimate business proposition, nothing more. The business address on the letter itself has the real address. I see you are from CA. Is the law the same in all 50 states?
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not sure where to put this question. if i send a regular, legal sized letter to a business from a business and don't want to use my real address for the return address, and i make up a return address that does not exist, is that somehow illegal?

You need not supply a return address.

If the address where the item is sent is correct, I very often omit my return address.
Would you accept a business proposition from someone who omits or forges an address?

If you want to disassociate your business from your personal address, get a PO box or PMB.
It is not illegal to provide a fake return address but I wouldn't do business with someone who did that. Either leave the return email off altogether or get a PO box, as someone else suggested.
Note that while regular first class mail can be sent without a return address, certain other ones can not. A return address is required for bulk rate, priority mail, and certain other services. There are also restrictions on commercial mailings using postage meters. A fictitious address for any of these is not permitted.