Falsely accused by co-worker of assult

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New Member
I got fired from my job i was playing with my co-worker joking in put my arm around her she got offensive in told my then supervisor ..he said i should have never touched her she then files a police report on me ..she took things way out of hand from harmless horse play i never been in trouble will this go on my record we haven't been to court yet
Didn't you learn in kindergarten to KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF?

You made a very big mistake. You're making a bigger mistake by continuing to discuss this and trying to deny it.

You need to shut up, plead not guilty, ask for a court appointed lawyer (or hire your own lawyer), speak to your lawyer, keep calm, keep quiet, stay away from the victim, never touch any other person in anyway (KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF), be patient, wait, and your lawyer will lessen the impact of your stupidity.

Don't touch other people, especially women!!

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