On April 14 I got a call from a police officer asking me if I was in a certain town in New Jersey. I said, "No, I don't even know where the town is", he apologized for bothering me. He called back two hours later and informed me that my car, via the plate number, was involved in a car accident and I left the scene. I told him that I was never in this town. He told me that I had to bring my car there so that they could inspect it. It was late, I had no idea where the town was, I thought it was a possible scam so I refused. He told me I had to go there to prove my inocence. I got really annoyed with him and told him that he had to prove my guilt, not the other way around. Needless to say I did not go. After all, I had no idea what it was all about. 4 days later I get 3 tickets in the mail, " Leaving the scene, not reporting an accident & no insurance. Of course, I have insurance. A week later I get a letter from the "victims" insurance company requesting payment of $1,040. for damages I caused. After I got the phone call from the officer, I took pictures of my car the morning after the phone call. There is no damage to my car. I have to go to court in 2 weeks. What am I up against? I am 100% innocent. I hired an attorney, but I want to hear what others say? Can I sue the "witness" who obviously copied the wrong plate number to recoup my leagal fees. I am frustrated. I did nothing.