Falsely Accused of Leaving The Scene

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New Member
On April 14 I got a call from a police officer asking me if I was in a certain town in New Jersey. I said, "No, I don't even know where the town is", he apologized for bothering me. He called back two hours later and informed me that my car, via the plate number, was involved in a car accident and I left the scene. I told him that I was never in this town. He told me that I had to bring my car there so that they could inspect it. It was late, I had no idea where the town was, I thought it was a possible scam so I refused. He told me I had to go there to prove my inocence. I got really annoyed with him and told him that he had to prove my guilt, not the other way around. Needless to say I did not go. After all, I had no idea what it was all about. 4 days later I get 3 tickets in the mail, " Leaving the scene, not reporting an accident & no insurance. Of course, I have insurance. A week later I get a letter from the "victims" insurance company requesting payment of $1,040. for damages I caused. After I got the phone call from the officer, I took pictures of my car the morning after the phone call. There is no damage to my car. I have to go to court in 2 weeks. What am I up against? I am 100% innocent. I hired an attorney, but I want to hear what others say? Can I sue the "witness" who obviously copied the wrong plate number to recoup my leagal fees. I am frustrated. I did nothing.
You cannot sue a victim/witness for being mistaken.

The state will have to prove their case in court. If you have some proof that you were not in the town at the date and time of the collision, you are certainly free to bring those witnesses to court with you.

If the suspect vehicle is the same make, model and color of your vehicle, then the odds of the plate being wrong and STILL coming back to an identical vehicle are astronomical. Do you know if the vehicle that struck the victim is much the same as yours?

- Carl
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