Falsely Accused of Stealing $1100 from roommates safe in room


New Member
Dear Attorneys,

Last night my roommate came to my workplace and told me that I needed to move out tomorrow (June 21, 2016). When I asked him what this was about, he insisted that he would talk to me when I got home from work that night. After work, I came home and asked him to talk to me about what was going on.

First, he accuses me of stealing $1100 from a key and combo sentry style safe he has chained down on his dresser in his room, mind you he doesn't believe in doors so he doesn't keep one to secure his room, while the rest of us secure our rooms with doors and locks.

Also, it is considered a common area off of our kitchen and living area that leads to the carport and backyard. Secondly, he insists that I stole the money, he hadn't taken in to consideration that we also live in a 4 bedroom/2 full bath home with 3 other roommates including himself, given that 2 of our roommates are a young, working couple.

Lastly, he was insistent that I stole the money for drug use, when I don't do drugs. He gave me an ultimatum that I am to leave the property tomorrow or he will throw my things into the garage along with my pet Guinea Pigs.

I am so perplexed that my 74 year old roommate would carry that kind of money in his room let alone not secure it behind a door? I am also stunned by his persistence that I stole the money when it could've been anyone else in our home or for that fact an outsider since we don't lock our main doors due to the fact that 2 roommates don't have main door keys but have room keys to access their rooms. Anyone could enter through the carport or backyard doors and then slip into his room, pry his safe open and take what they wanted. What's weird about it, he said that the safe was locked like it wasn't opened, but he was missing money. In addition, then to be blamed for doing meth when I am a healthy 178lbs, at 5'3", which is considered obese by medical standards.

I just don't know what to do since he wants me out so bad. He has caused me emotional distress, I can't sleep or go to work because I am afraid he will enter my room and remove my things. He refuses to give me back my spare room key. I just want to know from a legal perspective, what I can do to mediate or take legal action against him for his slander and accusations?

I forgot to mention that he and the young couple are on supposedly, written lease agreements with the landlord of the property, whom lives in CA, although I have never seen their lease agreements. He then subleases to me and another roommate the other 2 rooms with oral agreements with landlord's knowledge. My accuser is the one who pays the landlord in full before the first of every month with his Social Security check and then we pay him back the fronted amount on the first of every month to replenish what he sent out the week prior.
Your roommate can't evict you.
Your landlord can't evict you.
Only a judge can evict you.

To start an action to evict you your LL must issue you a notice similar to the one the senior citizen gave you.

You can ignore any such notices, and if your LL, or the senior citizen sells, destroys, or removes your stuff, you can countersue him, or bring a small claims lawsuit against the alleged offender.

However, things will only deteriorate if you stay too long.

Therefore, I suggest you get busy finding new digs.
Be smart, try to be out within a week to 10 days.

Sadly your situation only proves a theory we bandy around about adult roommates. They rarely last, and fatten end in anger.

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