Falsifying a drug test


New Member
So can I get in trouble for taking my son-n-law synthetic urine to pass his drug test for cps? I was also made to take a drug test but I was observed and could pass it. There's proof of it in text messages between us.
So can I get in trouble for taking my son-n-law synthetic urine to pass his drug test for cps? I was also made to take a drug test but I was observed and could pass it. There's proof of it in text messages between us.

It's illegal for you to aid your son in law in falsifying a CPS drug test. That would work out badly for both you and the son in law should the court be aware it.

More to the point, why would you want to do that? Do you think it's appropriate for your grandchild to be living with someone who is using illegal drugs? If your daughter doesn't do illegal drugs, why would she put her husband over her child's safety? If the father is a drug addict, his need for the drugs will soon overtake any concern he has for his wife and child. So unless she can help him get off the drugs, she may need to prepare to leave him before he makes a wreck of her life and their child's life as well as his own. And if both parents are drug addicts, it is probably for the best for the kid to be removed from their custody until at least one of them is able to get clean and can live life responsibly, including raising a child.

Put the grandkid first. The grandkid is the one who has no say in anything and is the one that will be most affected by drug use by his parents. The fact that CPS is already involved tells me things may have reached a potentially dangerous level for the child.
So can I get in trouble for taking my son-n-law synthetic urine to pass his drug test for cps?

Sorry, ma'am, I didn't study my tail off to earn my law degree to use that knowledge to assist those who choose to break our laws.

I hope you use this potentially self inflicted wound to help you make better, wiser life choices in the future.
So can I get in trouble for taking my son-n-law synthetic urine to pass his drug test for cps?

Are you serious?

Of course you could get in trouble.

Also, since you admitted to a crime in a public forum (using a screen name that appears to be a real name), you might want to ask the mods to delete this thread.
Also, since you admitted to a crime in a public forum (using a screen name that appears to be a real name), you might want to ask the mods to delete this thread.
She didn't admit to doing anything, although it's a fair inference.
She didn't admit to doing anything, although it's a fair inference.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, my friend.

So, SPEAKING ONLY for THIS OLD DUMMY, the admission below certainly reads as if it were a confession.

It certainly isn't a denial.

"So can I get in trouble for taking my son-n-law synthetic urine to pass his drug test for cps?

I was also made to take a drug test but I was observed and could pass it. There's proof of it in text messages between us."
So can I get in trouble for taking my son-n-law synthetic urine to pass his drug test for cps? I was also made to take a drug test but I was observed and could pass it. There's proof of it in text messages between us.

This isn't a serious question...is it? Did you use your real name as your user name? How old are you that you are asking this question?

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