falsle backgound check

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New Member
I recently applied for a job position. I was denied the job after the company performed a background check. The company inform me that my background record stated that I was a convicted felon and had been confined for 10 years. Neither of these incidents ever took place. I go to my hometown to try to see what is going on. I am given the run around for 2 days. I finally just go to see the judge personally. His secretary tells me to go to the DA, who sends me to the Sheriff's Department, who sends me to see the Superior court clerks. I go there and she changes it. But this has been on my record since 1997. I have been denied great job opportunities all because of this false record on file and I never knew it was there. The clerks acted like it was no big deal and she even said it happened a lot.
Speak to a lawyer. Your initial meeting is free. Ask the lawyer what options are available to you. Don't be surprised if they are few and none.
Mistakes happen.
If you did not find about about this error for 14 years then it might be hard to explain how you have been harmed by it.
Its not hard to explain at all. I have degrees and such that would have easily landed me jobs or even a career but I was never able to get those types of jobs and I never knew why. My interviews went great, orientations no problem--then no call back after background check. It seems so unfair. My kids have missed out on alot because of this. I have been working thru temp companies and dead end jobs to make ends meet for my kids and I for the last 10 years. Working all that overtime for a little bit of money. Sacrificing my time on the weekends to work in some plant, missing my babies. Believe me its not hard to explain at all.
If this bothers you, speak to a couple of local lawyers. See what your options might be. One thing is sure, if this can be rectified, it won't happen on this forum.
Were you ever arrested?

Was the arrest for a felony?

Did that felony get pled out to a misdemeanor?

Did anyone, to your knowledge, get arrested and falsely use your identity?
There are various factors that could have prevented you from getting those jobs- including other well qualified candidates. You won't likely be able to prove that this was the reason, and the companies that did not hire you won't tell you.
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