Falsly accused of harrasment; No communication,

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New Member

I am a 35 year old male, been working at a grocery chain while to going to Nursing school. I was accused of the telling a girl "she had a nice butt". I was told by my store manager that HR would get back to me but I was suspended. I tried to explain how in no way was I capable (or stupid enough) to do this. I was then called by my manger 3 days later saying I was terminated.

First, this accusation is false. I had no chance to defend myself, and was not told anything about the alleged incident.

I have to call the local HR manager tomorrow, i guess just to make it legal. I plan on writing a letter to corporate HR who I'm sure knows nothing about this. I can't believe any of this process is legal much less right. Is there any chance of legel retribution. I will be applying for UI, do you think (your opinion please) I have a case of being wrongfully terminated and able to receive UI.

Thank you very much
Two separate issues. You do NOT have a claim for wrongful termination, which does not mean that you were fired for something you did not do, but that you were termed for a reason prohibited by law. It IS legal to fire you on suspicion of misconduct, even if there is no proof and even if the employer is wrong.

You probably do have a good case to receive unemployment benefits, however. Note that receiving UI does NOT mean that your termination was wrongful. The vast majority of people receiving UI were legally terminated.
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