Family Business Raided, My home Raided, Fraud

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I was asked to help out at my family's business while a family member was recovering from heart surgery, we figured a few months tops, well it turned in to 9 months and counting. Osha came in and I couldn't very well leave while working with them, soon after DMV followed. The next thing I knew we were being Raided, the most terrifying experience I have ever been faced with. A few of us got taken down for questioning, the investigator kept trying to get me to tell him things that I couldn't because none of it was true, I couldn't understand what he was wanting me to say. He went on to tell me about how all of the people he has spoken to as well as his informants refer to me as the new yard Bitch because I won't take any of their bullshit, if they didn't have the proper legal paperwork then I wasn't accepting it. They have lost a lot of customers since I started covering the office. I was so relieved when I had finally been released out of that police station in tell I got home and realized that my apartment was being raided at that very moment, I had never been so humiliated and embarrassed in my life. I didn't know what the hell was going on. I later found out that I was being Raided for welfare fraud. Weeks went by without hearing anything about anything in till just recently I received a notice stating that I have a Tanf Overpayment in the amount of 21,000.00, they claim that my husband has lived with me since 2009 which is so not true. My daughter just had to have surgery on her arm, she broke her growth plate and our health insurance denied. My son had strep throat, health insurance again denied. I can't believe all of this is happening and why all because I was helping out at the family business? I haven't done anything to deserve this and neither have my children. I have followed the laws and did what was legal. Obviously I earned the nickname Yard Bitch for a reason. I guess at first my family was being thought of as some kind of mob specialising in organized crime of some sort, I guess they had expected to find stacks of cash or stolen items in my apartment. I don't know but I do know one thing, this is a ridiculous. How they can just turn our lives upside down, insideout. They will go to any extent to try and get the convictions they want and when things don't go the way they expected them to then they will find anything they possibly can to put a person through hell and I don't think this should be alright. This whole situation with the family business has been all over the news channel's. Hey kids look there Mom. Completely humiliated is all I can say. Thanks for reading
Did you have a specific question for us?
Betty, if you don't mind, could you check the IP location please?

I'm going somewhere specific with this :)
Betty, if you don't mind, could you check the IP location please?

I'm going somewhere specific with this :)

I checked. I'm watching you go somewhere specific. LOL
Your message thingy is switched off so I'll have to ask here :p

Is poster in the US or not?
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One of two things is possible here. Either the OP has left out of lot and/or is just confused beyond belief, or we're being fed a line.

I know which one I believe.
Betty, if you don't mind, could you check the IP location please?

I'm going somewhere specific with this :)

I posted at 3:00am cst (my time) & then went off the forum. (went to bed) I see AJ checked the IP address though.
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Don't believe everything you read, Two Sides to every story

First off I wasn't working while collecting TANF nor were we committing any illegal criminal activity. Don't believe everything you read, that's common sense. Never have I accepted a Vehicle without the proper paperwork required by DMV but hey you are obviously one of those shallow minded, one-sided people. We will be defending ourselves before a Judge, the truth will be told but first we have to be charged with a crime
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