Family Court Jurisdiction

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New Member
My daughter had complained to me that her dad had beat her and made her have bloody nose during her summer visitation. I got the CPS involved and filed a petition before family court to cancel visitation until further investigation. CPS report neither confirmed nor denied the abuse. However, father was asked to complete anger management counseling before court could decide to let him visit my daughter. While this while process took more than a year and no anger management counselling completed, I got a better job offer in California and I decided to move. I gave the notice to relocate. I however could not give the entire 60 days notice but could give, under the circumstances, one week notice because my new employer wanted me to join soon or end up losing job. Meanwhile, the father filed a motion to change venue to a different court in another county. Is this permissible in family law cases? Can the venue be changed in the middle of case proceedings? If so what are the arguments objecting such change in venue?
You are at risk of losing custody of the child. Both of you are required to obey all court orders. You can't excuse one parent's failure to permit the other parent to fail, too. I suggest you get a lawyer, ASAP. Not a California lawyer, a West Virginia lawyer in the new county. If he's fighting this, you could be heading for big trouble.
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