Family loan gone bad!!!

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New Member
My wife and I loaned her sister and husband 15K for a car. There was no written contract. The balance on the loan today is 9k. They have had marriage problems and currently seperated, but working on getting back together, but both are employed.

I requested payment in full by email, his reply by email was.........

"Please send me a copy of the promissory note signed by me. You don't have one, because I never signed one. This was a loan YOU gave YOUR sister to buy HER car."

As you could imagine this arrogant attitude angers me, but I'm kinda left holding the bag, that is unless this reply is as valid as a contract.

With this email, is this enough to take to court for the 9k balance?

*note - They made payments by checks, but I didnt make copies. Again my fault! Dont know if I could summons bank records for evidence.
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