Family withholding Loan money, What can I do?

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New Member
Hello, I'm new to this site and need a question answered.

I recently took out a student loan in my name for 7500 dollars. The school took it's share of the payment, as planned, and sent the rest to me. The problem is that they sent it to my old address, my parents house, and now my parents are refusing to give me the check, worth around 5000 dollars. I am pretty sure that they have no right to withhold that money from me, as the check is in my name. What kind of legal action can I take against them? I think just the threat of legal action would be enough, but I want to know what to do just in case.

Thanks, Nick
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I would contact the Student Loan folks and have them place a stop payment on the check and issue a new one @ your correct address-- Why even mess around w. your parents? -- If you cant get anywhere doing theat then tell thenm youw ill file suit in small claims and they can pay the court costs to hand the check over-- if the dont listen- then go tot he court house and file suit and have them served-- (150$) tell the judge you want your check and they should have to pay the court fee's-- write a cert letter to your parents before you file suit
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