Father passed away, left no will, do I get the house?

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My father didn't really participate in my life but paid child support, he just passed away and left a home but no will. Several people told me I will HAVE to get a probate attorney to get the home. What do I have to do ?? Help please
Contact a probate attorney - there are too many variables to give any sort of real guidance.
Agree. You need a probate attorney in the area where the home is located to help you on now to proceed.
Don't assume that you'll get the home.
You can always inquire about a will.
If there isn't one, you might have a portion of his estate, unless he owes more than he's paid.
Or, you might not be mentioned in a will.
The home might not have any equity in it for any heirs.
Too many unknowns to say, except seek legal counsel.

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