When my husband died my father used his power of attorney to wipe out all our assets.The only thing I had left was an irrevocable trust that I am sole beneficiary of.Unfortunately he is the trustee. He has taken it from 1.6 million to $280,000 in two years.He refuses to give me a penny unless I release him from all liability in trust and estate.He even paid his attorneys out of my trust to sue me for my husbands life insurance benefits all in an effort to starve me out to release him from liability.I have a 1/3 distribution coming up in Dec. which I know he wont release to me. I am desperate.I have no money and cant afford an attorney. I might mention my father is a multi,multi millionaire. What do I do? Can I file papers to have him removed as trustee by myself? I have tons of documented evidence. Help!!!!