father wants full custody who never paid childsupport and never was around

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New Member
My kids' father never was around for them and never gave childsupport. He never admited he was the father and ask for dna. Once the courts found otu he was the father he still didnt want to pay childsupport.but nw that the kids are 10 yrs.old he want full custody. Whats make the situation even mess up he never made childsupport payments and all of sudden he can afford an attorney after saying numerous testamonies that he afford to pay childsupport. In this situation can an judge rule in his favor?
However, OP, some lawyers are sorcerers. They are able to work great, legal magic. If he has a lawyer,you might want to get one, too.
Without one, you could be at a great disadvantage. I doubt he can win custody, even with a lawyer capable of effecting great trickeration and treachery. But, he could cause a few disruptions in your life.
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