Father won't allow mother to see her son.

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New Member
Even though there is no order denying her the right to see her child, the father refuses to let her see her child. He has changed his phone number and won't allow her any contact at all. He has stated that he will kill her and anyone else who steps foot on "his" property.
She is about to file for divorce but would like to know if there is anything that can be done legally to force him to allow her to see her child before the divorce is finalized because that is, at least, two months down the road. She has tried to see help through legal aid to no avail.
The first thing the woman should do is to report the death threats to the appropriate police authorities urging the issuance of a warrant for his arrest and obtain a civil Protection From Abuse Order (PFA).

In the meantime seek advocacy assistance (pro bono) through any of these sources:

Texas Council on Family Violence Texas Domestic Violence Resources - AARDVARC.org www.aardvarc.org/dv/states/txdv.shtml

A local chapter of the YWCA.

The American Bar Associations pro bono program.
www. apps.americanbar.org/legalservices/probono/directory.htm

State Bar of Texas pro bono program 800-204-2222
She can file for a temporary custody or visitation order pending the final determination.
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