Father's visits with Son

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New Member
I need to find out some advise on visits with my son. Almost 6 months ago I was given visitation with my son with supervised visits for the first 6 months through Yana through a court order. Yana is a state agency. In the last almost 6 mths my son has come in for the visits and has started screaming and crying that he did not want to see me, (being coached my mother how to act when he comes in for visits so he does not see me). Out of the 6 mths I have seen him 5 times due to this or his mother cancel the visit and says he is to upset to come in. In a few weeks we will be at the 2nd 6mth part of our parent agreement which is 3 hr weekly supervised visits through a family member at a park etc. My question is this is a court order and since my son has not really seen me much do we still proceed to the 2nd part of the agreement? My ex states no we do not because he has actually not seen him that much. It does not state that in our paperwork.
You should discuss this with a counselor and an attorney.
If Yiu believe the court order is being violated, your remedy is in the court.
It sounds as if the child has issues with you.
There is no way for us to advise you about that, except speak with those administering the visits.
If I were you, I'd consider abandoning the visits,if they are affecting the child.
Good luck.
I can not abandon the visits. I have been trying to see my son for a long time and never had the money to fight the visitation. I did hire an attorney and got visitation started, I have not seen my son in a few years. I have reliable information the the mother is coaching my son to hate me and telling him I am a horrible person and I am not. I am just a father trying to have a relationship with my son. She tells him to cry and scream when he walks in to the visits and tells him I will take him away from her and that is not what I want I just want to have a relationship with him. She rewards him if he does this and then when he leaves the visit and didnt see me he feels he won. That is pretty sad.
Sad, indeed, but you have to prove it. Even if you prove it, highly unlikely, what can a court do?
But, I'm just a bum on the 'net.
You need a real, live lawyer.
You also need to discuss this with a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, mental health professional.
I don't see an easy remedy, if I see a remedy at all.
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