Faulty oil change at walmart ruined my engine


New Member
I got an oil change at walmart, 2 weeks later my engine blew. I called walmart because ive been taking my 2 cars there for every oil changes and questioning why i only see dirt on the oil stick and my coolant is bone dry too they said put some oil in it and try and take the car back up there so he can check it out. My car completely shut off 2 miles from them my sister had been following me to make sure id be okay. We tried pulling my vehicle there and brakes and gas had locked up on me causing me to rear end my sisters vehicle.

Im furious at this point i called them back they debated on sending someone out to me til finally the other auto manager shows up with oil he looks at it tells me what i already know and fills it with oil start my car and still heard bad knocking noises says i have to get it towed to jc auto shop. I refused because i was short on money and im not at fault and want to know who worked on my vehicle. He said theyll work something out when he gets back to the store and will call me with results of footage on the cameras and talks to service manager. He drives me home and goes to do that.

Didnt hear anything so i called anthony (service manager) to see what was gonna happen he said he'll have jc auto check it out if anything needs repairs he'll send it out to get done they just needed to see if i had found towing services or not. Other manager calls me later that day didnt give me any results on cameras like he said and just told me to go drop my keys off at richards towing and theyll cover the cost to tow my car to jc auto shop. Next day i call anthony he tells me to call javier at jc auto to see whats going to happen. Javier says yup your engine is knocking but theres oil in it. Of course because thats the first thing they did when they went to pick me up where i broke down at. I asked when and how long will repairs take he said walmart never mentioned doing any repairs just told them to check it out and now needs to find towing to bring it to my house or figure out about repairing it because it cant sit at their shop.

I confront walmart about the repairs they said they dont have answer for that yet so i asked for a loaner vehicle, they said they cant issue me one but their insurace will after they submit the claim. Claim hadnt been done the next day i mentioned getting an attorney involved. They couldnt talk to me after that got me with david store manager at that walmart and he was totally unaware of the whole situation. David submitted the claim and said i have to deal with their insurance company now.

Insurance agent would forward my calls would call me usuing a private number after office hours to call him back id call and theyll be closed. I lost my job after a week of no transportation and really needed to get loaner situation figured out. Finally answered his private number in time to talk to him on 3 way with my mother and told me nothing can be done till hes done with the investigation. Told me to tell him in detail what happened only to try and call me and my mother a liar. Like were dumb. That really upset me. I had my mother handle him because i dont know much of insurace work and any civil options available to me in a situation like this. He refused to talk to her another week gone by we 3 way and he says he saw the cameras and walmart is not at fault. We asked him to see for ourselves he said no. My mother said then wed like to appeal the claim. He said if we want to see the cameras wed have to have a subpoena. So my mother said we'll have an attorney get with him on that then..
This happened two weeks after an oil change? I can't imagine any company would accept liability after so long.

Have you discovered where the oil was leaking? It's very possible the problem has nothing at all to do with Walmart service.

A Walmart oil change doesn't explain why your coolant was empty either. They wouldn't have touched that.

This has more to do with owner responsibility of maintaining the vehicle. I wouldn't count on Walmart covering a penny of this unless you can prove negligence.

Find out what the shop says about where the oil leaked from. Still... Two weeks after the oil change... I just don't see Walmart fixing this for you. Your car seems to have some maintenance issues that aren't their responsibility.
Why on earth would you agree to drive a car that had already run out of oil back to Walmart (even after putting more oil in it)? o_O
Ive never had any problems like that with the vehicle. Been going to walmart everytime and they check your fluids and everything or they say they do. But not once did they tell me I was running low or have a minor leak anywhere. Like i told them i shouldnt get my services from them and then have to go to another shop to make sure they did their part correctly. The scenario were in rn is that they only changed the filter and forgot to switch the oil out. I wouldnt have made it that far if i was completely drained of oil and no replacement. My foster dad asked where i went for the oil change i told him and he used to work for walmart a long time ago and he said to this day they're still notorious for doing things like that.
Walmart has a pretty long and extensive history of causing damage to vehicles as a result of bad oil change practices. From what I know, a lot of their techs in the auto centers are not ASE-certified. I know this because a neighbor of mine used to work for them, and he's ASE-certified. He worked in the auto center for 6 months and, then they put him at the front door as a greeter. They put someone from the deli into the auto center when that happened. I never knew slicing meat gave you an auto repair certification or the skills to repair cars. I suggest you file a claim in small claims court, and serve their registered agent in the state where it happened. Include all the details, including a copy of your invoice from them. I have read about some horror stories where, instead of changing the oil (doesn't sound like they changed the oil in your car because new oil is a clear brown, not dirty-did they change the filter, too?), they drained that person;s transmission fluid and filled the oil compartment with more oil. Guess what happened? (edited by moderator) I am dealing with an auto care issue with them as well, which is related to them selling the wrong tires for my car (they claimed they were a "fit", but I found out they are not), and then underinflated them upon installation to boot (I have all of the invoices, etc.). 11 days later, I braked in traffic and couldn't stop my car, and it slid right into the car in front of me, and that one hit the one in front of her. Walmart is notorious for denying claims but I have them by the ankles. Email them all and keep up the push for the video and the information on who worked on your car (find out his experience and if he is ASE-certified, etc.). Emails are admissible in court. I also suggest downloading a phone call recorder on your cell to record all conversations. Check on which ones work with your phone best. Persistence pays off. If that fails, take them to court. They are used to it-they have tons of complaints (BBB, state consumer affairs depts., and lawsuits) going nationally related to auto care issues-you are not alone. That works in your favor-and their behavior of trying to shirk their responsibility to you as a customer makes them look even worse, in my opinion. Hope this advice helps. If you need documentation, please reply to thei post with your email and I can share what I have with you to possibly support your claim. Also contact the National Vehicle Safety Hotline via email at vsh@dot.gov to open a complaint on them. Auto safety is their business, and what they did to your car is not safe.

I got an oil change at walmart, 2 weeks later my engine blew. I called walmart because ive been taking my 2 cars there for every oil changes and questioning why i only see dirt on the oil stick and my coolant is bone dry too they said put some oil in it and try and take the car back up there so he can check it out. My car completely shut off 2 miles from them my sister had been following me to make sure id be okay. We tried pulling my vehicle there and brakes and gas had locked up on me causing me to rear end my sisters vehicle.

Im furious at this point i called them back they debated on sending someone out to me til finally the other auto manager shows up with oil he looks at it tells me what i already know and fills it with oil start my car and still heard bad knocking noises says i have to get it towed to jc auto shop. I refused because i was short on money and im not at fault and want to know who worked on my vehicle. He said theyll work something out when he gets back to the store and will call me with results of footage on the cameras and talks to service manager. He drives me home and goes to do that.

Didnt hear anything so i called anthony (service manager) to see what was gonna happen he said he'll have jc auto check it out if anything needs repairs he'll send it out to get done they just needed to see if i had found towing services or not. Other manager calls me later that day didnt give me any results on cameras like he said and just told me to go drop my keys off at richards towing and theyll cover the cost to tow my car to jc auto shop. Next day i call anthony he tells me to call javier at jc auto to see whats going to happen. Javier says yup your engine is knocking but theres oil in it. Of course because thats the first thing they did when they went to pick me up where i broke down at. I asked when and how long will repairs take he said walmart never mentioned doing any repairs just told them to check it out and now needs to find towing to bring it to my house or figure out about repairing it because it cant sit at their shop.

I confront walmart about the repairs they said they dont have answer for that yet so i asked for a loaner vehicle, they said they cant issue me one but their insurace will after they submit the claim. Claim hadnt been done the next day i mentioned getting an attorney involved. They couldnt talk to me after that got me with david store manager at that walmart and he was totally unaware of the whole situation. David submitted the claim and said i have to deal with their insurance company now.

Insurance agent would forward my calls would call me usuing a private number after office hours to call him back id call and theyll be closed. I lost my job after a week of no transportation and really needed to get loaner situation figured out. Finally answered his private number in time to talk to him on 3 way with my mother and told me nothing can be done till hes done with the investigation. Told me to tell him in detail what happened only to try and call me and my mother a liar. Like were dumb. That really upset me. I had my mother handle him because i dont know much of insurace work and any civil options available to me in a situation like this. He refused to talk to her another week gone by we 3 way and he says he saw the cameras and walmart is not at fault. We asked him to see for ourselves he said no. My mother said then wed like to appeal the claim. He said if we want to see the cameras wed have to have a subpoena. So my mother said we'll have an attorney get with him on that then..
Last edited by a moderator:
Lainey, I edited your post to remove the names and their email addresses - that is for your protection. I have no objection to your PM'ing the information to the OP if you want to do it that way but not out in public, okay?
Lainey, I edited your post to remove the names and their email addresses - that is for your protection. I have no objection to your PM'ing the information to the OP if you want to do it that way but not out in public, okay?
What about him posting to a 6 1/2 year old thread?

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