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New Member
I am a full time employee, at my place of employment we have a slow season(which is now)so my actual job slows down and i have to go over to the warehouse side and restock. This time of year part time is not supposed to come in if there is not enough work for full time plus part time. Lately part time has been coming in, and printing( what my job is) while all full timers get what we called farmed out to go restock. Today I went to file a formal complaint with HR and was told I can't. The department manager decides who stays in our department and who gets "farmed out" to restock. Do I have just cause to sue for favortism? The part time never gets "farmed out" its always us full timers, and since there isn't enough work for full time part time should not be there. mind you there is only one part time employee on 3rd shift(my shift).
This is not illegal discrimination. The "employer" (mgr. in this case) gets to decide who works when & where unless you have a binding employment contract to the contrary.

You just can't be discriminated against due to a reason prohibited by law - example, religion, gender, race......
Favoritism is not, in and of itself, illegal. It is not illegal to give preference to full time workers over part time workers.

As Betty says, unless you have a legally binding and enforceable contract that expressly and in so many words says that you MUST be allowed to be farmed out to restock, it is entirely up to the employer who does and who does not. Unless you have valid and supportable evidence that the decisions are being made on the basis of a characteristic protected by law, you have no recourse. Part time vs full time is NOT a characteristic protected by law.
Expect a new wave of being "farmed out". Employers in general are intentionally attempting to lower the volume of full time employees to experiment with the Obamacare Matrix.
Sometimes things may not seem fair but they are not always illegal.

unfair does not always equal illegal.
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