Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant FBI wants to talk to me

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New Member
Hi All,

I really don't know which category to put my question in. Feds recently contacted me sayiing they want to talk to me about an individual about whom "you may be able to give some information". Let me tell you bit about me. I am not a US citizen, rather on H-1 work visa status. Currently I am not residing in my original city/state as I am working at a client site as consultant in neighboring state. Feds 1st went to my original address, since nobody was there, they went to my employer, asked him few questions about himself & then told him to have me call FBI. I talked to the agent, he said its nothing too important and "you're not in trouble". He said if I am planning to be back home this wknd, he can meet in person or he can have someone from the city/state where I am currently to come talk to me which I agreed to and am now waiting for them to contact me. In the meantime, want to ask what are my options? Is dealing with Feds same as local cops i.e can I refuse to talk, can I refuse to answer a question and can I/should I talk to them only in the presence of a lawyer. If I don't meet them with a lawyer, can I ask for a lawyer midway during talking to the Feds? I am clean & have nothing to hide but also don't want to unwittingly self incriminate me, say something which might cause problem for me later on. Kindly advice, Thanks
Yes, you can refuse to talk to them.
If they aren't investigating you as the suspect of a crime then you shouldn't be too concerned about lawyers... but it is your choice if you want even speak with them in the first place.
OP, you need to know this very important distinction about the Feds. An a slip of the tongue can get you prosecuted. Lying to a federal agent got Martha Stewart a felony conviction and prison time.

The lie does not even have to be related to the substantive conversation. If they ask you if you went to St. Louis on May 5th and you say, yes. But, you really went in May 3rd. That is a lie. That has sent many people to the federal pen.

I suggest you say "I don't recall" or "I don't remember". Don't guess. They sometimes try to bully you. They are very devious, slick, and clever. That is, if you're not wise to them. Then you see how incredibly stupid they are. They are bullies.

Having a lawyer present isn't a stupid idea. It's cheaper than getting a felony conviction, hiring a criminal lawyer to defend you, getting deported after 6 months in some filthy, federal gulag!

Be very wary and careful. Do not allow charm to disarm you. Be polite and courteous at all times. And, if you know where this dude is, tell the truth. If you yell the truth, nothing can happen to you.
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