Federal Government Hiring Practices

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New Member
In August '09 I applied for a position with the National Park Service as a museum curator. I am extremely well qualified with over 16 years in the field, as a state museum curator. It is a relatively small field and I am nationally recognized as a subject matter expert. The initial application required 4 essay questions regarding experience and a resume. I contacted the Federal employment agency in September and found that I had scored 100% and the application was sent to the specific park for consideration.

From that point I received no contact from the park inspite of emailing for information regarding the status of the position. Yesterday, February 26, I received a phone message from the park stating that it was a well qualified field, that the position had been offered to a gentlement who turned down the position, and that it had then been offered to a young lady. I presuem she accepted the position. It was then stated that one of them was even a former GS-15. The position is a GS-11.

With my score and credentials, I expected to at least receive an interview and it appears that the process was loaded. Do I have any legal recourse or right to discovery regarding the process?

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