Federal government interference to myself due to crime


New Member
I went to the police department and officer says 'the federal government messing with you and you want them to leave you alone? Let me guess you have a crime family" .. I answered his questions about what I knew about federal government harrassment and the officer has heard of my family messing with me. I'm going through so much and I don't know the crimes of my family. I remember in 2023 I was discharged from a mental hospital and handed a driver's license. This license had a photo I never took! Two restrictions added, on issue date I was in hospital, with a signature not like mine. I was handed this in Mandeville, LA. I really wish this will all stop as I have contacted so many agencies and this has found itself becoming worse. Louisiana department of health isn't investigating and I spoke to the DMV and these people were clueless to, because it's an actual valid license I received can be compared on her computer. I can public put the picture of DL here I'm afraid of getting this thread deleted.

I want this over with, I have gone through so much since 2005.
Please understand that my suggestion (to follow) is meant as a way for you to bolster your position when trying to find somebody to help you:

I suggest that you seek a professional mental health evaluation. If that evaluation shows that you are not having mental health issues, then you can use that information to back up your claims and be taken more seriously. If the evaluation shows that you do have mental health issues, then you can use it to help you get the help you need.
I can public put the picture of DL here I'm afraid of getting this thread deleted.

Good decision, it is in YOUR BEST INTERESTS not to post a copy of your LA drivers license here, or ANYWHERE online.

I suggest you discuss what troubles you with your psychiatrist/psychologist or any other mental health provider.

Furthermore, it can't hurt discuss ALL of your concerns with one or more local, criminal defense attorneys.

Most attorneys will meet with prospective clients FREE OF CHARGE for about 30 minutes or so. This allows you to share things in CONFIDENCE with a person who MIGHT just be able to direct you to state provided services and/or ongoing legal assistance.
Interestingly, my suggestion above is exactly what was suggested in April when you brought up the same subject: Federal Government had an Officer approach

(I really need to look more closely at posting histories before I post.)

Thank you for sharing and caring.

I can only add that in April, the poster alleged he/she/it was posting from: JurisdictionTexas.

That said, I'm informed today suggesting the individual isn't in LA or TX.
Thank you for sharing and caring.

I can only add that in April, the poster alleged he/she/it was posting from: JurisdictionTexas.

That said, I'm informed today suggesting the individual isn't in LA or TX.
The incident with the DL happened in Louisiana same goes for meeting the officer. Putting Texas as the jurisdiction in other thread was just a simple error. Its not easy finding resources of this situation. I have discovered this being the only one for gangstalking below. I've had all 15 done to me and since my last post I spoke to psychiatrist and nurse practitioner and they don't believe in crazy. I was asked if my phone has ever been hacked and it has.
I'm sorry, but there is nothing that this (or, likely, any) internet forum can do to help you with your situation. Keep speaking to mental health professionals...really.
Please understand that the DL is not proof. You could be lying (I am not saying you are lying) when you say you never had that picture taken but the picture itself is proof that the picture WAS taken. It is not proof that it was taken without your knowledge.

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