Nov 19, 2017 #1 M mkeslk New Member Jurisdiction Maryland If a fed officer were to know about a minor that had illegal drugs, but didn't report it, is that a crime?
If a fed officer were to know about a minor that had illegal drugs, but didn't report it, is that a crime?
Nov 19, 2017 #3 mightymoose Moderator No. However you have no way of knowing what action was taken, if any. It could be that the minor is being monitored in order to catch bigger fish.
No. However you have no way of knowing what action was taken, if any. It could be that the minor is being monitored in order to catch bigger fish.
Nov 21, 2017 #4 zddoodah Well-Known Member No. Keep in mind that a "fed officer" could mean a whole lot of different things, most of which have nothing to do with law enforcement.
No. Keep in mind that a "fed officer" could mean a whole lot of different things, most of which have nothing to do with law enforcement.