Feeling a little lost

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In 2010 I got pregnant and had the baby 9/2010, before I left on leave I was constantly told I was going to be fired from the HR Manager? (My work performance is great). So I finally confronted the CTO about this and she stated no such thing is occurring?
Upon my return there was no job for me, so I did odds and ends to fill up the day. I have 15 years of legal collection experience etc... I now do HR, (Something I have no idea about) but I am doing it and learning.
Everyday there is a constant belittling game that the owners do to me and I mean EVERY day. I have been told to do errands all over the city in my car no reimbursement on gas – nothing- I feel like this is retaliation for me having a baby as I have never been put in a situation like this before, I am a hard dedicated worker. I am trying my hardest everyday to get out of here but the interviews are not coming quick enough. There are so many issues that I can not list them all in a forum. My main question is can companies really have the right to belittle and harass employees when they have a child or come back from leave?

I have proof that No one before me or after me has produced the numbers I did here, so there is no reason I should be going thru this based upon my work.

BTW. Many other people have left for leave and have come back to no consequences.
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What you are feeling doesn't amount to retaliation.

Even if an employer did that, most would be smart enough not to get caught.

Bottom line, you don't get your old job back, if it was eliminated. You do have a job and a choice. You can continue your employment (for the moment), or you can quit.

None of that other chatter matters. In the law, it isn't about emotions, feelings, and beliefs. It is about the law and proof. You have no case. You can continue your employment or resign.

It isn't your employers problem because you chose to have a baby. They've done their part. Perhaps you're feeling stressed because of the changes in your life and the recession we're experiencing?
Update, I am still at my job, I am trying to get out. The other day the CEO stated she was going to slap me in front of 3 other people. Is this ok?

This has made my life hell here, I don't know what to do, I am going to the doctors to get help on depression thanks to this company.

Is there really nothing I can do? I have started to keep a daily log of the constant belittling and harassment that is happening here. I do have witness's so much so that one of the employees stated she felt uncomfortable for me.
Unless, she actually does, although it's unbelieveably unprofessional, such a statement is not illegal.

What you can do is start searching for a new job where management treats its employees with some respect.
Theresa, let me ask you a question. Was your job eliminated while you were on leave, or was someone else put into it and left there when you returned?

Depending on the answer, I may have more questions for you, but let's start with that.
Someone was put in my position while I was gone, and is still in my position. ( She has not come close to hitting the amount of money I was able to collect, she is shy 200k a month less then me).

I have thought about that thinking they could say I was not as good as her but the numbers speak for themselves.
You must love your job to put up with those threats and belittling everyday.

I'd have quit months ago.
Okay, that being the case, how long had you worked for this employer before you went on leave, and how many employees do they have within 75 miles of your location?
I started 8/2007 and they have about 43 employees here in the state and over 50-100 in India, I do not think they fall under the FMLA guidelines.

I have and am currently trying as hard as I possibly can to get a new job. If I could financially leave without hardship I would have left a long time ago. Unfortunately I am the bread winner in my family. This company has over 6 open Lawsuits over ex employee's sexual harassment and the dept of labor for non payment of overtime.
If they only have 43 employees in the US, then no, FMLA does not apply.

The only other thing I can think of is, have other employees who have been out on extended medical leave for non-maternity reasons been shifted into other jobs?
No, a matter a fact a man just came back from shoulder surgery and he slipped right in and was working fine today. Also the marketing gal (the pet) had surgery and same thing not a missed beat. The Hr manager (that quit) was also on leave for 6-9 months came back just fine as well.
I really feel lost, I don't know what to do, there is no HR dept, and they have put that responsibility on the office manager. I texted her about the doctor's request o have me off work for a couple of days and let her know I will be back with all proper documents once my testing is complete. She asked what was wrong I told her I am going crazy and I am suicidal etc... She stated ooh; I thought it was something serious?

This is what I endure and to be honest I don't know why. I don't even know what will happen when I get back I wish they would just fire me already.

I really do appreciate all of your help, I feel lost and alone I don't know where to go or what to do at this point. SO thank you for trying to help me it does mean a lot to me!
Would this atleast be a reason to quit and hopefully get unemployment until I can find a new job? I just do not want to do anything drastic that will land me SOL
I would not count on getting UI if you quit. But you might want to give the EEOC a call and ask them whether or not this would qualify as pregnancy discrimination. I can't guarantee it will fly but it's worth a phone call.
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