Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Felon in possesion of firearm. Can I help him or is he screwed?

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About a month a go I called the police because my ex-boyfriend was beating on me. When the police came they wouldn't file a domestic voilence report because I didn't have any visible bruises. In anger and disbelief that they wouldn't file the DV report, I told them he had a gun under the mattress in his bedroom and that he was a convicted felon who had just gotten out of prison. They asked him to search the house and he said no. Then they asked me and I told them yes. He told them I didn't live there and they put him in handcuffs while we went in and I showed them the gun under the mattress. After about an hour they asked me if I had any clothes there and I showed them a jacket, two pairs of underwear, and some towels in a pillow case that I had over there and my prenatal vitamins. So then they took him to jail and he's been in leavenworth kansas ever since awaiting a court date. Is there anything I can do to help him? An investigator is coming to ask me some questions next week, will it matter to them now that I didn't live at the residence? Is a couple pairs of underwear and some towels enough for them to search his house without his permission? Please help. Also if he does get out, is there anything I can do to protect myself from him coming near me? I don't want him to go to prison for five years but I don't want him coming around me if he gets out either.
Here is the best I can tell you -- it might be within your best interest to stay far away and find a support group or specialist you can talk to with regard to this situation. Your ex got himself into this situation and there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER that he should have beaten your or that you should have been beaten. Yes, I'm sure you see some of the good in him but he needs to really understand the nature of his actions and appreciate just how unacceptable they are.

Going to the firearm, why would he need this? He also had prior warning not to possess one and was already in prison for prior bad conduct. Your statement may have given the police reasonable cause for search, especially since there was definitive proof of your having spent time in the house.

You are probably best staying away from anyone who has been incarcerated who shows signs of not learning from their actions whatsoever. People deserve second chances. People need assistance with their difficult lives. But if someone has already been jailed and had time to reflect on their past bad actions and then leaves and beats you and possess a firearm without cause and in violation of parole, then perhaps that is not the kind of person you should seek. You can likely expect more of the same activity (and worse) and the only way they will learn from their actions is to get the help they need and that might be facing life the hard way. Perhaps the best way you can help him is by staying away and letting him face time again for committing a wrongful act and appreciate the respect he needs to have for other human beings and the law we have created to keep the peace between and for all of us.
Originally posted by riversender
About a month a go I called the police because my ex-boyfriend was beating on me. When the police came they wouldn't file a domestic voilence report because I didn't have any visible bruises. In anger and disbelief that they wouldn't file the DV report, I told them he had a gun under the mattress in his bedroom and that he was a convicted felon who had just gotten out of prison. They asked him to search the house and he said no. Then they asked me and I told them yes. He told them I didn't live there and they put him in handcuffs while we went in and I showed them the gun under the mattress. After about an hour they asked me if I had any clothes there and I showed them a jacket, two pairs of underwear, and some towels in a pillow case that I had over there and my prenatal vitamins. So then they took him to jail and he's been in leavenworth kansas ever since awaiting a court date. Is there anything I can do to help him? An investigator is coming to ask me some questions next week, will it matter to them now that I didn't live at the residence? Is a couple pairs of underwear and some towels enough for them to search his house without his permission? Please help. Also if he does get out, is there anything I can do to protect myself from him coming near me? I don't want him to go to prison for five years but I don't want him coming around me if he gets out either.
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