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New Member
O.K., I plead no cont. to class 6 felony and was found guilty. They are now doing a pre sentence report on me and will be sentenced in feb. Question is ., am I now a convicted felon or after I am sentenced? 2 diff lawyers have told me 2 diff. things. The reason why I ask is that I have a gun in my home and want no further trouble. my lawyer says im not a felon till verdict and sentencing. My aunt who is also a lawyer says once I am found guilty than I am a conv. felon:confused: so which is it?? Thanks for any info. By the way I live in Virginia
The section can be found here:


The language says: "any person who has been convicted of a felony" ... I would take that to mean that it takes place after the verdict has been made. However, VA law may hold this in a gray area and consider it not to take place until after sentencing.

The question one must ask is "Why wait?" You KNOW what will happen. It may well be time to dispose of these weapons as permitted by law. Why wait? If you wait, you could get tossed back in the clink if your local police decide that the post conviction interpretation is sufficient for an arrest.

I would recommend you get rid of them in the manner prescribed by law immediately.

- Carl
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