Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Felony DWI - Jury Duty Questions

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I received a summons for jury duty and I'm having a problem with answering a couple of the questions on the Jury Qualification form. I was convicted of Felony DWI in 1997 and received a suspended 5-year sentence, 60 days in county work-release and 5 years probation. I asked my attorney what the implications were regarding my right to vote, etc. at the time that I pled guilty and he wasn't sure. I completed all of the terms of my probation and was released in 2002. The questions that I am struggling with are:

1) Have you been convicted of a felony and not had your civil rights restored?

2) Have you been convicted of a crime other than a traffic ticket? Is DWI considered a traffic ticket andd do juvenile cases need to be revealed? (I'm not sure exactly what the disposition was. I received unsupervised probation for an assault charge as a juvenile)

I would like to perform my civic duty and serve as a juror, if needed, but I want to make sure I answer the questions truthfully.
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