Criminal Records, Expungement Felony & misdemeanor


New Member
In 2007 I was arrested for carrying brass knuckles and butterfly knives that I used to collect in high school. The knife charges were dropped, but I went to probation for the knuckle charge. My attorney at the time told me that it was a Major misdemeanor having the knuckles. Last month i attempted to join the navy but got disqualified for having a felony on my record (brass knuckles). Is there anyway I can get that charge dropped from a felony to a misdemeanor so I can sign back up and serve?
In 2007 I was arrested for carrying brass knuckles and butterfly knives that I used to collect in high school. The knife charges were dropped, but I went to probation for the knuckle charge. My attorney at the time told me that it was a Major misdemeanor having the knuckles. Last month i attempted to join the navy but got disqualified for having a felony on my record (brass knuckles). Is there anyway I can get that charge dropped from a felony to a misdemeanor so I can sign back up and serve?

The only way a felony can be removed is if you get a full pardon from yoru state's governor.
To get one, you'd have be be wealthy beyond imagination, and politically connected.

You can ask your recruiter if a waiver is possible.

He or she will know what you mean, when you ask about the waiver.

That happens with more regularity than do pardons.

However, that tends to happen when the services need cannon fodder.

The Marines or the Army might be an option.

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