I have been charged witha third degree felony of solicitation. It happened when I get reimbursed for my doctor's visits to the VA hospital. I send these slips in to the county where I reside and I get reimbursed $25 each visit. I moved during the year which I thought to be only temporary but sent in my doctor's slips to my former county and they reimbursed me for them. Now they are saying that since I am not a resident and used my old address to get reimbursed they are charging me with this crime. This was over a one year period and totaled $2500. They also say that they have records from the VA hospital that I wasn't there when my doctor's slips said I was. The VA told me that they don't keep records of counseling and prescription pickups, which there were many. I am guilty of using my old address because I thought I was moving back there, but am not guilty of falsifying these doctor's slips. I called the prosecuting attorney and told him this and said since I just got a full time permanent job that I will pay it back in order to just settle the case. I am scared to death of any jail time and a felony conviction since I am an accountant and I don't know what to do, whether to hire a lawyer or will they just accept my explanation and willingness to repay the reimbursement. I can't lose my job.