fiance ordered to pay alimony after divorce 8 years

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my fiance ex wife was cheating on him, he caught her and went to live with his brother in Fla. as she told him to do, after his leaving she claimed abondedment and filed for a free divorce which did not at the time have alimony awarded in it, now 8 years later she filed for alimony and won, he has to pay her $100.00/week. he owes quite a bit in back child support due to over the years she kicked him out and let him back while she was collecting welfare and he was living with her, now she is still collecting welfare beneifts, social security, section 8 housing and she gets $75.00 week from back child support, in the end she gets more a month collecting then he gets trying to work as a carpenter, he is not on the books so it is hard for the courts to decide what he should pay. how can we or is it possiable to reverse this alimony at all or lower it. what should we do?
This is your boyfriends issue but he needs to see an attorney and file for an appeal.

If he works off the books that may not ne elgal if he is not reporting his income.
The courts will make him pay what he is capable of making, hiding the income will not do any good.

As far as child support, he owes it and need sto figure out a way to pay it or find better employment.

Your fiancee has financial obligations he must give to his ex wife, if you marry him you are going to have to learn to deal with this.

Did he even show up at the court date or did the wife win in default?
i am aware this is my boyfriends issue, which if i do marry him will become my issue too. which is fine, and he will pay if that is it, however i did not realize how easy it is to collect welfare for life if you learn the ropes and screw the system over, maybe i am doing the wrong thing here.
he did not know of a court date because she cried abodenment while she was with her new boyfriend cried to the state and received benefits beyond belief as well as she is still doing 25 years later. shame on the state! he moved out of state as she asked him to so he did knew nothing of a court date let alone for the divorce.
i guess i am wondering can you file an appeal and what happens then? if i marry him does he debt become mine too and could they attach my money or my property if i marry him? i realive you are not an attorney i am just asking opions. i have called the state annoyms number to report this women several times and nothing gets done. i am really sick that you can live off the state with no problems!
He needs to file an appeal and argue that he was not properly served. He has only a very small time frame to file an appeal.

Sorry but I don't have any more advice for him but to speak to an attorney.
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