File contempt of court?


New Member
My divorce was final on 05/31/2018. In the divorce we opted out of FOC. I would like to file a contempt of court for parenting time, no communication, and medical bills. I would also like to ask the judge to opt back into FOC. I have made and efile account. What form to I have to fill out and upload to get a hearing date?
My divorce was final on 05/31/2018. In the divorce we opted out of FOC. I would like to file a contempt of court for parenting time, no communication, and medical bills. I would also like to ask the judge to opt back into FOC. I have made and efile account. What form to I have to fill out and upload to get a hearing date?
You may wish to seek out actual legal assistance. Here is a place to start: Welcome to Michigan Legal Help
we opted out of FOC.

Here are over 100 things that "FOC" might stand for. Which one are you talking about?

I would like to file a contempt of court for parenting time, no communication, and medical bills.

Please elaborate exactly what happened and what your divorce decree requires of the other parent.

What form to I have to fill out and upload to get a hearing date?

Internet message boards where people who respond aren't likely to be Michigan family law attorneys (or in Michigan or attorneys at all) are not good places for questions about specific local procedures. Divorce courts often have facilitators for self-represented parties and self-help guides. I suggest you check with the court where your case is filed (both online and in person) to see what resources are available.

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