file suit in CO or AZ?

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New Member
Trying to agree on a settlement of severance package with former employer. It is not going well even with a lawyer.

Company is in AZ - I lived there temporarily while employed (only 3 months) but maintained my CO home. Now I'm back in CO.

If we do not reach settlement, can I file suit in CO for the severance package against the AZ company (or, does it have to be in AZ where the company is located)?

thank you!
Do you have a legally binding contract guaranteeing you severance? Because severace is not required by law in either CO or AZ.
My agreement only states reimbursement for relocation expenses.

I was presented with a severance package prior to the employer knowing that I have over 13K in relo expenses.

Employer does not want to provide $ for these expenses, and even with an attorney discussing settlement I feel I will have to file suit so a fair agreement is reached.
The problem is that you would be suing for something that you are not entitled to under the law. But if you are working with an attorney you should ask him that quesiton.
Thanks for your input.

My contract does state compensation for relocation expenses. In addition I would be suing for several other issues; breach of contract, damage to personal property, etc.

My question is; Do I file a civil suit in AZ where the company is located, or, CO where I live?

Thanks again.
If you did the work in Arizona you file in Arizona. If you did the work in Colorado you file in Colorado.
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