filed for dismissal

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i have a land dispute that i have hired an attorney for the defendent filed a leave to plead in feb and my attorney did not respond so oct 1 the defendent filed a motion for dismiss out of time what does this mean what should i do the hearing for dismiss is oct 24
That means your lawyer better get to court or your case will be dismissed for failure to do anything.
should he do something before the dismiss hearing date or at that time

Yes, he needs to file something (I can't tell you what since I am unfamiliar with your lawsuit) and he needs to show up for court.
i went to the clerk of courts and looked at my file , i filed a suit to have a barn removed from my easment in november 2006 the defendent filed a leave to plead in january 2007 they filed their answer to the suit and a counterclaim on feb 27 th my attorney did not reply until he was sent a motion for dismissal and for judgement on the counter claim for me to pay his attoney fees on oct 1 st. my attorney sent a leave to plead the same day as he received the dismiss notice it is set for oct 24th . what will the judge look for , since the reply to the counterclaim was not done does that automatically put my case in default I am not sure if i should let it go to the motion for default on the 24 th or if i should get another attorney before to 24 th i paid this guy up front for his services and i think he may have put my case in a bad way i am in ohio
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