Fire Hydrant Ticket

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New Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? New York

So I parked last night, don't go back to the car til the next evening. I see a orange envelope... I was given a ticket for parking near a hydrant. The Ticket says I was 4 feet from it, so I went home and got my tape measure. After measuring I was roughly 9feet 6 inches from the hydrant. On top of that, the block had signs posted up all over the area that starting April 9th there will be no parking (one of those being pasted ON the hydrant).

Now the sign is gone (by wind or by someone ripping it) but there are a bunch around the area still. I took pictures of the signs, the hydrant, my car measured from the hydrant, as well as the car behind the hydrant parked even closer with no ticket. I also took a video so the measurements have continuity.

Does either the fact that is says 4 feet(which is not even close) or that there was a sign on the hydrant help me?

Also what does BL mean for color black or blue/
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? New York

So I parked last night, don't go back to the car til the next evening. I see a orange envelope... I was given a ticket for parking near a hydrant. The Ticket says I was 4 feet from it, so I went home and got my tape measure. After measuring I was roughly 9feet 6 inches from the hydrant. On top of that, the block had signs posted up all over the area that starting April 9th there will be no parking (one of those being pasted ON the hydrant).

Now the sign is gone (by wind or by someone ripping it) but there are a bunch around the area still. I took pictures of the signs, the hydrant, my car measured from the hydrant, as well as the car behind the hydrant parked even closer with no ticket. I also took a video so the measurements have continuity.

Does either the fact that is says 4 feet(which is not even close) or that there was a sign on the hydrant help me?

Also what does BL mean for color black or blue/

You are NOT allowed to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant in NYC, for example.

It might be more restrictive in other areas, but no where are you allowed to park closer than an average car length, about 15' these days.

Read the following and weep, anything else is irrelevant.

You can ask for a hearing, but last time I checked, 10' is inside of the 15' restricted area.

Your measurements will ONLY serve to convict you.

Stopping, standing or parking closer than 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Between sunrise and sunset, a passenger vehicle may stand alongside a fire hydrant as long as a driver remains behind the wheel and is ready to move the vehicle if required to do so.

So excited I found this article as it made tihgns much quicker!
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