Fire vs write up

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My wife worked for wal mart for almost 4 years. She was asked to be the manager of the snack bar till they closed it sometime this month. She has been in there for several months now. At times she would get a pop or eat a cookie or a hot dog. She paid for most of the items but some she didn't. These were 1.00 items or less since they were getting ready to close this month. They called her in today and the lost prevention guy from the home office, he wasnt from this store asked her if she had done this. She said that she had and wasn't going to lie about it. He told her that he felt like this was a one time thing and he thought it wouldn't happen again. She would have to pay back what she thought she had not payed for and he thanked her for her honesty. Then he told her that he could have her arrested but since she was honest about it he had her sign a paper that she had done it. Then he fired her. She has never been in any trouble with them, she was written up once for her till being short but it was later determined that a lady in the cash office had been taking money out of the tills from the cashiers so it was taken out of her file. She has never been reprimanded in any way for anything. Is there anything she can do or did they get one over on her. The only reason she sigined was because he told her about being arrested so she didn't want that. Please help. She is 50 and it will be hard to start over.
Eating items in the snack bar without paying for them is certainly a form of stealing. How is that different than if your wife had snuck candy bars into her purse while she was going through the check-out lane?

Some food service establishments do allow employees to eat free within certain limits but apparently your wife's employer is not one of them. If they wished to fire her for what she did, they may. By the way, they didn't have to get her to confess her guilt or sign anything in order to terminate her employment. They could have fired her simply on suspicion of consuming items without paying for them.
I agree with Beth, yes it is legal to fire your wife. Seems petty or stupid but stealing ANYTHING no matter how small can be a valid claim for dismissal.
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