Firearm held as evidence refused to return unless I meet unreasonable demands

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Based on your heated responses here, I suspect that you really ought not have possession of a firearm in the first place.

if taking offense at someone calling me ignorant of the law and gun safety and telling them that they are entitled to their opinion is getting heated to the point that I'm unfit to own a firearm than I'd like to know who is. The fact that you don't carry with one in the chamber tells me all I need to know about your experience level. Yes if I would have predicted that a criminal would force his way in to my house and secured the firearm then it never would have happened but if I had secured the firearm and he broke in who knows if my friend and I would even still be standing if the gun was secured it was just as likely as someone more dangerous coming along and putting me in a situation where I need to defend myself while my firearm is in the safe it's easy to say what should have been done after the fact but you don't know what tomorrow will bring life is precious that's why my gun rights are so important to me we are all trying to live it the best we can doing our best to be prepared for whatever scenario may come some things are not black and white. If your friend is bleeding to death the ambulance is to far away but your under the influence of alcohol is it right to drive him their if you make it and save his life your a hero to people if you wreck he dies and you hurt other people to then people will tell you that you should have done something different. Disclaimer: don't drink and drive it's dangerous the law does make an exception for cases of necessity but you can avoid that by not drinking all together it'll better your life.
Can anyone tell me whether they can refuse to return my belongings if I don't submit to their demands? Platte county Mo

The article on the below referenced website describes how one uses the court process in MISSOURI to retrieve her/his weapon LEGALLY, avoiding the pictures you seem, to dislike or appear to be alarmed by taking a series of degrading photographs!!!

Fear NOT citizen, use the lawful court process to achieve the result you desire.

Missouri Laws 542.301 – Disposition of unclaimed seized property — forfeiture to the state, when — … » LawServer
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