Fired by a verbally abusive boss.

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New Member
I can't believe what just happened to me today. I had a problem with my boss verbally threatening me yesterday, so today I took my problem to the General Mager who was supposed to handle the problem. Later in the day the supervisor I had the problem with came over and told me he just had a phone call from the GM and asked me "if I was trying to back him into a corner", I said "I didn't know what he was talking about", he said "you know what I mean what you said to the GM this morning", I said "I didn't want to have this conversation with him" and he started yelling "your going to have this conversation with me or you can pack you shit and get out" so I caved in and we started talking and he tryed to deny that he threatened me, I told him that when he asked me, "when the last time was I had a good ass kicking was" that at that point I felt I was being threatened, after that he said "you know what just pack up your shit and get out and I'll call you when I want you to come back" I asked are you firing me at first he said no but then I said I can't work like this anymore and he said fine then just pack your shit up and don't come back.

This is what it says on page 20 of my employee handbook:

Company Name is comitted to providing the best possible working conditions for it's employees. Part of this commitment is encouraging an open and frank atmosphere in which any problem, compaint , suggestion or question recieves a timely response from Company Name supervisors and management.

Company Name strives to ensure fair and honest treatment of all employees. Supervisors, managers and employees aree expected to treat each other with mutual respect. Employees are encouraged to offer positive and constructive criticism.

If empoyees disagree with established rules of conduct, policies, or practices , they can express their concern through the problem resolution procedure. No emplyee will be penalized, formally or informally, for voicing a complaint with Comany Name in a reasonable, business-like manner, or for using the problem resolution procedure.

If a situation occurs when empoyees believe that that a condition of employment or a decision affecting them is is unjust or inequitable, thay are encouraged to use the following steps. The employee may discontinue the procedure at any step.
1. Empoyee presents to immediate supervisor after incident occures. If supervisor is unavailable or employee believes it would be inappropriate to contact that person, emplyee may present problem to the General Manager or President.

2. Supervisor rsponds to problem during discussion or after consulting with appropriate management, when necessary. Supervisor documents discussion.

3. President reviews and considers problem. President informs employee of the decision. The President has full authority to make any adjustments deemed appropriate to resolve the problem.

Not every problem can be resolved to everyones's total satisfaction, but only through understanding and discussion of mutual problems can empoyees and management develop confidence in each other. This confidence is important to the operation of an efficient and harmonious work environment, and helps to ensure everyon'e job security.

So why did the GM hand this back to the person that the problem was with. Especially when I compained to him about him before.

Do I have any legal recourse against this firm?

Gary Fink
Do I have any legal recourse against this firm? Not unless the Handbook is written in such a way as to constitute a contract and that following this conflict resolution policy is guaranteed, which is highly unlikely. I'd guess if you read the Handbook through, there are multiple places where it states you are an employee "at will," can be terminated at any time for any reason, and that nothing in the handbook constitutes or is intended to constitute a contract or an agreement of employment for a specific length of time.

While the situation you describe is very unfortunate, your employer has not acted unlawfully.
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