Fired December 26th

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I recently worked as a receptionist at a salon in Massachusetts. Approximately one month ago I had heard annonymously that the owner had a friend who needed a job. On December 1st I was given a Christmas bonus and was told how wonderful I was etc...On December 3rd I was called into the office and told that I was being put on probabtion for 30 days for several booking mistakes I had made! Most of which I had not! The owner told me that she had interviewed many beautiful girls and had decided on me anyway and was disappointed I had made mistakes. You need to understand that these minor errors were commited 6 weeks prior to my probation. I asked her if there were any other problems and she replied "no". Then comes December 26th...I am fired before the probation period id up with not a single mistake made! I confronted her with the fact that I knew she had hired someone else. She admitted it and told me she had no intentions of keeping me even after I was put on probation. Now here's the big problem,,, this woman told several clients before I was fired that she was firing me because I made mistakes and MONEY WAS MISSING!!! I never took a red cent from her or her business. That was never even an issue! As a matter of fact she always lauded my honesty as I would make sure everyone got their tips and my drawer always balanced. I am totally sickened by this malicious lie! What type of recourse do I have if any? Thanks in advance.
What you are describing is called "slander" and comes under the category of "defamation of character." You can sue her for damages but it is questionable how much "damage" you have suffered although I don't doubt that you are infuriated and have a right to be such. It might be difficult to find an attorney who would take this case but you might be able to try it yourself in a small claims court (I'm unsure if such a court hears those cases but I believe that they have a very wide lattitude.) However, be very aware that you will need witnesses to prove your case. An "affidavit" from the clients may not be enough. You may even need to subpoena the witnesses to come to court and the small claims court clerk can help you with that. This is my take on what I see... anyone else?
Thank you

Thanks you very much. Since the original post, several clients as well as a current employee have offered to submit an affadavit if necessary.
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