Fired for unexcused absences

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New Member
I was just fired from my job for too many unexcused absences when I was 8 and 9 monthsa pregnant. I missed work for three reasons. 1 - I had my weekly doctor appointments for my pregnancy that they knew about. 2 - I was having bad contractions so I stayed home. 3 - my other child who is one was sick and the baby sitter wasn't available. My fiance and I work at the same place so one of us had to stay home when our son was sick. Can they fire me for those reasons? They said they were all unexcused. Please help! Any adice will be appreciative.
Yep, they can fire you for almost any reason and unexcused absences regardless if you were pregnant or not, is a valid reason. Even excused absenses can get you fired. All you can do is look for more understanding employment after the baby comes.
I have a question:

1.) How long have you worked for this employer?
2.) How many employees does the employer have within 75 miles of your location?
3.) In the 12 months immediately preceding your pregnancy, did you work a minimum of 1,250 hours?

Regardless of the answers, you CAN be fired for the absences related to child care. Depending on the answers, you *might* have a certain amount of protection for the absences related to the pregnancy.
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